Monday, August 23, 2010

Full days

Elizabeth starts full days today at school. She keeps telling Logan how he's going to miss her becasue she's going to be gone ALL day. She then tell's him how she will eat breakfast and lunch at school, then turns to me and says do I eat dinner there too? You'd think we are shipping her off to boarding school or something. And no, she doesn't eat breakfast there but they do serve it so I think they've talked about it at school.
The kids have both decided it's more fun to take showers these days than baths. So Elizabeth was in the shower last night and I'm listening to her play..."Allejuh, one nation under God." I think they may have a little more work ahead to get her prayers and pledge straightened out. I left and came back to hear her repeating "Father, Son, Holy Spirt" over and over. I guess she's just practicing. She said that was the first "prayer" they were learning at school.
At school the open house last week the teachers reminded the parents that they will be going to weekly mass starting mid Sept. She also mentioned if you don't go regularly make sure you take them before then because little kids always have lots of questions their first time. It really made me think...can you imagine not going to church regularly? It is my recharge for the week - well at least when the kids behave - haha!

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