Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Another First

So it took 6 years but I had to make my first call to poison control yesterday!! 

Luke got into some ants in the back yard so I gave him a teaspoon of benadryl.  He spit the first one out completely - very typical of him.  I give him chewables at every chances.  Luckily he was in the tub washing away the "itches" so it wasn't a big mess.  I told him how if he took the medicine like a big boy it would make his feet feel better.  We gave it a second try and BAM - he took it all with no problem.  I was so proud and told him so.

Fast forward an hr, all three are running around playing between their rooms since it was raining outside.  It got real quite, which all parents know means trouble.  I walked in the kitchen to find him pouring benadryl into a small medicine cup.  I told him that was a big no no.  Poured it down the sink and realized the bottle was empty.  I knew it wasn't a full bottle, i was thinking about a quarter of a bottle.  No big deal I tell myself, they give people large doses of that for real allergic reactions.  I asked him how many cups he had and he said two.  Of course I went and googled it, and if you google anything you can find the worse case scenario.  And as a parent you never want the worse case scenario to happen so I called the dr who immediately said you need to call poison control.

So I called poison control, we went over his age, weight, bottle size, est intake, etc.  She said worse case is about 30 mL, aka, 6 times his normal dose but he should be fine.  May be drowsy, may be irritable, but should be fine.  That's all I need to hear!  He was defiantly out of sorts the rest of the day.  I gave him extra loving - feeling like a terrible mom.

Lessons learned...close the benadryl completely, put it up high, and don't encourage the medicine taking so much!!

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