Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Reporting from Zachary LA

We were entertained Monday morning, before loosing power, by the weather personnel and their over dramatization of the weather. So once the power went out, we got bored, and Justin decided to check things out. This was in the first half of the storm. Things picked up a little on the back half of the storm and then this morning there was some flooding in our neighborhood. Our super strong fence, built by Justin, was one of few in our neighborhood not damaged. We took a walk tonight after dinner because we needed out of the house!! It does appear from what little we've seen so far things are much worse in Baton Rouge than we got from Katrina or Rita 3 yrs ago. We have several adjacent neighborhoods and friends without power so we got very lucky!

Two storms down...three to go last I checked. I think Gustav was enough for this year for us.

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