Monday, September 08, 2008

9 months young!

Standing steady and cruising along everything.
Always full of smiles.

And loves his big sister! Today we were driving home and Elizabeth turned to Logan in the back seat and said "I missed you baby brother." I then asked her if she missed mommy and she said "No, I missed my brother!"

Logan has had a busy month working on his balance. He's gotten pretty good. He can walk/push behind all of Elizabeth's bikes all the way across the drive way at home. He loves to eat anything he can put in his mouth by his self. So far we tried soy beans, green peas, carrots, potatoes, cheerios, chicken, red fish, bread, etc. Pretty much what ever we eat he's been trying lately. I think the days of feeding him mush are numbered. He left behind proof on his crib that his top tooth has broken through! And tonight I swear he took a step before falling...he's defiantly on his way to walking. My baby no longer likes to cuddle unless he's asleep or nursing. Otherwise he's on the ground getting into things.

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