Sunday, September 26, 2010

Target or Bust

So Daddy and Papa headed to the Saints game this morning after church. So mommy decided it was time to head out to Target! Had a few home items I wanted to look for. Do you ever have that thought go through your head of what could happen and ignore it. As I was pulling out of the neighborhood I thought to myself, Justin's at the game and I know no one here yet to call if I need anything. But I'm not one to let that slow me down!

So fast forward about an hour and we are walking through Target. I had let the kids both get a $1 "prize" from the front buckets and told them we'd buy them if they behaved. So we are walking through looking a bras and the kids are close by the buggy, next thing I know Logan trips and falls right next to me. I don't think much of it because honestly he falls a lot. He's always trying to keep up with his sister. He's had his share of busted lips but usually it's nothing, he brushes it off. As I saw him fall, I also see his face plant into a metal rack stand. I'm thinking we are going to be missing a tooth. I pick him up and saw some blood so a sat him on the handle bars of the buggy, Luke is strapped in the seat, and we head toward the front of the store. Upon looking at it really is a pretty small cut right under his nostril but I can pull it apart and see tissue - yuk. Nothing you want to see on your own kid. But still not a lot of blood...the workers are no help and I'm concerned. I don't have a lot of experience with this type stuff...when do you head to the ER, when do you need stitches.

Since it's not bleeding I easily lather it up with antibiotic cream at the store and decide it's time to leave...this trip is officially a bust!

I drive toward our house knowing I'll be passing the hospital on the way but unsure whether we go or not. I decided to pull in and found a EMS worker smoking by his truck. So I pull up and give the pathetic mom story, he looks at it and long as it's not bleeding, don't worry about it. That was enough for me to keep on going and head home.

So we are yet another step closer to the ER...we know with him it's coming...its just a matter of when.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't stuff like that always happen when no one is around. I am just like you Heather!!! We were at the ER with Mason by age 18 months!!!




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