Tuesday, August 21, 2007

15 weeks to go!

That's right only 15 more weeks. I have given into peer pressure from my husband and friends and am posting a "profile" picture. I was hoping Elizabeth would make it better but I'm still not crazy about. While I enjoy being pregnant, I do not enjoy pictures of myself pregnant.
I had another uneventful doctor appointment today. Heartbeat was strong and am measuing right on track. I put on 4lbs in 4 weeks which is pretty good keeping the total at 13lbs. If I can keep it to 1lb a week I'll be on track with last time. Little King 2 is moving like crazy these days (and nights - not so found of that). He espcially enjoyed the sugar rush from the gluscose test this morning. Just the routine 1 hour test - I'm sure everything is fine but I won't hear back for a few days.

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