Last Friday Elizabeth hit the 9 month mark. Her stats at the doctor today were 20lb 15oz and 27.5 in. Doctor said she's healthy and doing well, see you at 12 months! No shots today which was a nice change.
And speaking of 12 months, mark your calendar, all who want to make the lovely trip to Baton Rouge are more than welcome to join us for Elizabeth's 1st birthday bash. We plan on having a cajun cookout on Sat. April 14th. Justin is working on putting together a fishing trip that week so if that is successful we'll have fresh tuna along with the Louisana staples of shrimp, oysters, and crawfish - and maybe even some birthday cake!!
She has Katelyn by 2 lbs! She was sick for a while but now Katelyn is trying to catch up and eat a lot more. They are growing up fast!