Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New view

Elizabeth has a new view of the word!



At the beginning of the year, Elizabeth's teacher noticed she was having trouble coping words from the board down on paper.  Strangely enough, when asked to read aloud from the board there wasn’t a problem.  So we figured we better just double check and get her eyes checked.  She passed her basic eye exam with flying colors but after dilating her eyes the doctor detected a slight farsightedness in her right eye.    She went on to explain that most young kids have some amount of farsightedness and your eyes just work to autocorrect this.  She said  her eyes are having to overwork to make of for it and would explain the trouble going back and forth from the board to paper.


One of her friends in class has glasses so that helps.  She is excited about them for now.  We just hope she wears them without a fight and doesn’t loose them!



And this boy wants to be a model when he grows up!  Lately he’s been into getting his picture taken every chance he can.




Sunday, January 29, 2012

January Happenings

I haven’t been off to a good start with blogging this year and now I realize January is over so I’m going to try a summary post – for my documenting! 

The first of the year brought spelling tests to Elizabeth.  Each week they have 6-10 words and on Friday they have a test of the words, a sentence with the words and other sight words, and a bonus word.  Elizabeth has aced each test, including all but one bonus word.  Each week they have a different group of words, –ot, –in, –on etc.  This past Fridays bonus word was “snot” which she thought was just hilarious!   They also have math tests but those aren’t every week.  At first I was surprised they were actually having tests in kindergarten but to see her so proud warms our heart.

We have an unusually warm weather this month, so we have spent a lot of time outside playing and gardening.  Speaking of which we have been eating broccoli and brussel sprouts all month.  I guess that’s one positive of garden – our kids love broccoli and brussel sprouts.  All of them – even our picky eater Logan.  something fun about picking dinner our of the back yard.  We also have a few carrots in the ground which Elizabeth just discovered – she washed it and ate it raw!  And not our of our yard, but locally the strawberries are all coming in thanks to the warm weather, so we’ve eaten two half flats of those.  Poor Logan – really doesn’t like strawberries but he sees us all enjoying them and talking about how sweet and juicy they are and inevitably asked to try one.  Of course we say yes, he bites it, makes a funny face, and says “ yeah, I don’t like this”.

We have also been contemplating what to do for a spring vacation this year.  After much debate, we decided to give a cruise a try.  Yes, we know we are crazy to take three young kids, by ourselves, but we’ve never been ones to back down from doing things with out kids.  We were able to get one out of New Orleans, which means no driving!!  We will go to Cozumel, Grand Cayman, and Jamaica.  We’ve been showing the kids the ships since we see them all the time up and down the river and they are super excited.  We actually live about half a mile from the river so we are excited about floating past our neighborhood from a different view point!  I’ve been busy filling out passport paper work – oh the not so fun part! 

Mardi Gras season is gearing up around here which means King cakes are everywhere.  Our local grocery store came out with German chocolate king cake this year so Justin gave in and bought one of those this weekend.  I’m convinced you can put German chocolate icing on anything and it will taste good.  Parade’s start up next weekend and with all this warm weather I’m sure we’ll hit a few.

Another first, is Girl Scout cookies!  That's right, Elizabeth is a Daisy this year and selling girl scout cookies.  She took off with great energy around the neighborhood.  Almost hour later she was ready to head back home. 

Brothers have been playing more and more together. 
One weekend we decided we’d have a family camp out.  The kids have slept in the tent a few times but this was mommy and Luke's first back yard camp out!  So we all five piled in the tent.  I laughed as I lay there looking at the kids.  They had all passed out and slowly migrated toward the air mattress Justin and I were on.  Half the tent was empty!

This is a bad picture but it was a rushed mom’s best.  They had 100’s day at school last week. 


A friend recently posted about the difficulty with taking pictures of three kids together…I just laughed since I get that all too well.  When I actually take the time to attempt a pic, this is what I get!  oh well, guess the picture really depicts life, wild and crazy…
but lots of love!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bowling Fun

Kids had their first bowling experience.  Elizabeth loved it and made it through a hole game, Logan made it about half way through and Luke, well he was a 2yr old at a bowling alley!








Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy 45 Anniversary

Today my parents celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. 

mom dad 60's


They have been a great example of unconditional love over the years and I’m proud they are my parents.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Crazy boy

This is the crazy little boy that drives us crazy every day and smile that melts our heart every day!


Family and Football



I realized I haven’t blogged in a while.  But we haven’t been up to a whole lot besides quality family time.  With the Saints in the playoffs we’ve been keeping a close eye on those games.  Poor Luke is really going to miss football season.  A glimpse of a game he starts ranting “football, football, auburn, football”.  For Sats game we did family pizzas – we had four specialty pizzas! It was a hit as always.  


Then Sunday we did a family project painting “the shack”.  We are trying to spruce up the inside.


And this little guy is still having fun climbing out of his crib.  Only problem is, on this morning his laundry basket “caught” him!



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